make flat and rectangular (60 cm x 30 cm) on a tray at 6 mm and place in the freezer for 30 min. until you obtain the right consistency between your fat and your dough.
Use 500g of Mimetic Lamination CL for 1.350 g of white dough (the chocolate dough stays in the freezer/fridge until used and is not laminated) and flatten it to obtain a rectangle of 40 cm by 30 cm. Give 1 English fold (2 layers) and 1 double fold on the white dough (8 layers). Place the coloured dough on top, and flatten to 10mm. Cut the block in half and stack the two equal parts on top of each other (white dough against white dough) to obtain 16 layers and the coloured dough on both sides. Then put in the fridge at 4°C for 30min or until it has enough rest to proceed with the final lamination.
Make up
Roll out the block to obtain a rectangle of 36 cm wide by 126 cm. Trim 0.5 cm on all sides and cut stripes of 35 cm x 2.5 cm of approximately 45 g. Fold in zig zag and place in tart rings of 8 cm diameter. Place on perforated trays without baking paper to avoid having a cavity at the bottom of the viennoiserie after baking.
Final fermantation
120 min. at 30°C and 85% R.H.
15 min. at 190°C falling to 170°C in a convection type of oven with initial steam and open damper the last 2 minutes
After baking: glaze with harmony sublimo
Cut the laminated bun in half. Place one disc of Vanilla and Stracciatella ice cream on the bottom part. Pipe a thin layer of salted caramel on top and cover with the second part of the bun.
Bring the milk to a boil then pour the Extraglace Vanille into
it and mix with a hand mixer for 3 minutes until obtaining a
smooth and homogeneous texture. Cool down quickly to 7°C,
cover with cling film and place in the fridge for 12 hours to
mature. Then pour the mix into the turbine and whip it until
obtaining a fluffy consistency. When the ice cream is almost
ready, pipe the tempered chocolate into the turbine as it is
mixing, little by little to create the stracciatela effect. Take
the icecream out and pipe in silicon moulds of 8cm diameter
and 2 cm deep then place in the freezer at -20°C until used.
Mix the cream, the fleur de sel and the butter together and
bring to a boil, then let it cool down to 40°C. Bring the deli
caramel to ± 40-45°C and mix together with the cream
mixture. Blend with a hand mixer, then cover with plastic
wrap and place in the refrigerator at 4°C. Warm up and mix
lightly with a spatula before use.
This Nutty Mignardise recipe is a perfect dessert for any occasion. Made with Belcolade chocolate and Cryst-o-fil, this recipe is sure to impress your guests. Try it today!
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